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Birthday Cakes • Without A Recipe
Try Something Random
Batter up! Bakers, step up to the plate! This week on #WithoutARecipe #TheTryGuys are baking cakes, but who’s ready to whisk it all? Get a piece of this! 🍰
Up Next in Try Something Random
Pizza Party Backstage • After The Men...
Keith brought fans backstage to eat some Pizza and hangout after Eat The Menu LIVE in Brooklyn!
The Try Guys Wear Women’s Pants (feat...
The guys wear women's pants for 72 hours to experience what it's like to live life without pockets. And our old pal Safiya Nygaard joins us to explain the secret history of pockets in women's fashion.
Eugene Babysits Keith's Cat For A Day
Allergic Eugene is going to attempt babysitting sitting Keith's cat, Alfred for the day!