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Oreos • Without A Recipe
Try Something Random
This week the guys are making Oreos from scratch. Do you agree with the judges' final choices?
Up Next in Try Something Random
Eugene Gets Surprised By A Zebra 🦓
Welcome to the cutest show on the internet! Eugene is sharing the most interesting facts about the most adorable animals on the plant! Today's episode features Zimba the Zebra! Let us know in the comments below what animals you want to see Eugene meet next!
60-Year-Olds Break A Skydiving World ...
We hope you're not afraid of heights! Today, Zach and Jonny take things to the sky as they join a group of 60-Year-Olds in an attempt to break a world record in skydiving.
Can McDonald's Become Fine Dining? | ...
Try Guy Keith takes on the challenge of creating a gourmet dish out of a McDonald’s Happy meal. Will the Judges think it is gourmet, or will Keith just create garbage? #TryGuys #GourmetGarbage