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On Tour With Eat The Menu • Vlog
Try Something Random
A BTS look at the Atlanta and Brooklyn Eat The Menu Tour stops!
Up Next in Try Something Random
The Try Guys Give Pedicures To Each O...
"I've got some goopy toenails!" Watch Keith and Ned learn how to do pedicures and clean up each other's CUTEicles!
Zach Tries 1000 Needle Acupuncture
Sure, the guys have had acupuncture before, but have they had 1,000 needles in their body at one time?! Today, Zach is going to do just that, and Kwesi, well, he’s going to watch.
Does Your Flag Suck? • Keith Rates Ev...
Keith rates every state flag! How did your flag stack up to his ranking, and do you agree?