365 Days To Launch
Try Something Random
A behind the scenes look into the creation of 2nd try!
Rachel Cole @rcole
Nick Rufca
Erica Schmueck @beingericalynn
Devin Wangler @dev.in.stagram
Kwesi James @kwesi_james
Jonny Manganello @thejonnycakes
Jared Popkin @jaredpopkin
Miles Bonsignore @milesbon
Marissa Rivera @themarissarivera
YB Biste @xoybox
Joyce Louis-Jean @atribecalledjoyce
Ash Perez @itsashlyperez
Ryan Garcia @muchosgarcias
Chris LaPointe Interviews Director of Photography
Matt Rasku BTS Camera Operator
Lillian Cheung
Up Next in Try Something Random
Keith Eats Every Little Debbie Treat ...
In this LIVE spin off of Eat The Menu, Keith takes down every Little Debbie treat with a twist… it’s all on a conveyor belt!
Nando's PERi-PERi Chicken • Eat The Menu
Buckle up and get ready for a PERi-PERi pepper journey to chicken town! Keith's eating everything from Nando's! 🌶️
Soccer • 4 Vs. 1
Listen, we're just trying to make Will Ferrel proud! Do you think 4 of us average dudes can beat a soccer Olympian at her own game? Wooo! Electric in the air on this episode of #4vs1!