Microblading My Scalp For Balding
Try Something Random
Zach gets a tattoo on his scalp to help make his hair look fuller and the transformation is insane!
Up Next in Try Something Random
The Try Guys Old Age Makeovers
The guys get professional makeup to get a taste of what they'll look like when they're 80, and then show their loved ones to gauge their reactions. The final video of a special four-part series exploring old age.
The Try Guys Live Like 80-Year-Olds F...
The Try Guys strap on ol' AGNES again, the old age body simulator, and attempt to go about their regular activities for an entire day in a world incompatible with and inaccessible to older people. The third of a special four-part series exploring old age.
Zach's Surprise Movie Premiere • Cand...
Happy Birt Day Big Boy! Ok, it’s not Zach’s birthday, but he’s getting one crazy big surprise! In the finale of our We Suck At Gifts series, Keith surprises Zach with a movie premiere starring none other than, himself!