Plushies • Without Instructions
Try Something Random
We can't believe our Tryceratops Plushies sold out so fast! If you didn't grab yours in time, don't worry, you can pre-order the official Try Guys plushie on now, we promise they're cuter than our Without Instructions creations!
Up Next in Try Something Random
365 Days To Launch
A behind the scenes look into the creation of 2nd try!
Rachel Cole @rcole
Nick Rufca
Erica Schmueck @beingericalynn
Devin Wangler
Kwesi James @kwesi_james
Jonny Manganello @thejonnycakes
Jared Popkin @jaredpopkin
Miles Bonsignore @milesbon
Marissa Rivera @them... -
Without A Recipe LIVE 2024 Trailer: A...
Ash and Kwesi battle for redemption with Keith and Zach as their sous chefs. YOU vote on the teams, and YOU decide who wins. Live December 18th.
The Try Guys Try 13 Future Technologi...
The guys spend the day at Google I/O and try out mind-blowing future technologies, including playing with life size animals in augmented reality, using artificial intelligence to save the whales, and making music using fruit + machine learning.