The Try Guys Eat EVERY Singapore Street Food
Try Something Random
We’re so excited to finally share our Singapore adventure with you guys! We were so lucky to travel, taste and try all of the beautiful food and experiences that Singapore has to offer.
Up Next in Try Something Random
The Try Guys Photoshop Prank Battle
Get ready for a battle like you've never seen before! Today we're photoshopping each other! May the best editor win!
Try Guys Meet A Pet Psychic
What do you think your pets are saying to you when you leave the house? Or when you come home? Or when they really want to go outside?! Today, Keith, Eugene, and Zach try to see if they can find out what their furry friends are really thinking.
Cheesecake Factory - Part 1 • Eat The...
This is the Eat The Menu you’ve been asking for, waiting for, terrified for… it’s finally here! A menu SO GINORMOUS it’ll take three videos to cover it. Here’s part one, where all of our usual Eat The Menu friends stop by to eat with Keith… and wish him luck!