Trying Amazon 5-Star Beauty Products
You’ve heard about all of the 1-Star beauty products on Amazon, but what about products that receive thousands of 5-Star reviews?! We’re putting them to the test!
Try Guys Meet A Pet Psychic
What do you think your pets are saying to you when you leave the house? Or when you come home? Or when they really want to go outside?! Today, Keith, Eugene, and Zach try to see if they can find out what their furry friends are really thinking.
Eugene Gets Surprised By A Zebra 🦓
Welcome to the cutest show on the internet! Eugene is sharing the most interesting facts about the most adorable animals on the plant! Today's episode features Zimba the Zebra! Let us know in the comments below what animals you want to see Eugene meet next!
Try Guys Go To Mermaid School
What creatures live deep within the ocean?! We don't know, but we do know that today Kwesi and Zach are trying to be mermaids by attending mermaid school!
Eugene Gets Surprised By An Owl 🦉
Welcome back to animal facts with Zoogene! Today we're introduced to our new feathered friend, Archie, the Eurasian eagle-owl!
Last Sandcastle Standing Wins $10,000 ● Try Guys & Friends
Everyone grab a shovel! It's the last stand sandcastle competition! Whichever Try Guy OR Fried wins gets $10,000 to donate to the charity of their choice.
Try Guys 3D-Print Cursed Facemasks
What can go wrong when we let the Try Guys loose with a 3D face mask maker and the most outrageous ingredients we could find? Let’s slather these on and see what sticks!
Can McDonald's Become Fine Dining? | The Happy Meal
Try Guy Keith takes on the challenge of creating a gourmet dish out of a McDonald’s Happy meal. Will the Judges think it is gourmet, or will Keith just create garbage? #TryGuys #GourmetGarbage
Eugene Answers 36 Extremely Personal Questions
Welcome to our newest dating show where we test you at home to see if you're destined to fall in love with one of The Try Guys! Who wants to marry Eugene? Answer these 36 questions with him to see if you guys are secretly soulmates! 🥰
The Try Guys Shave Their Legs For The First Time
Let us be your Venus, your fire, your desireeee! Watch us shave our legs for the first time!
Drag Story Hour
It’s time for Drag Queen Story Hour LIVE with Eugene and Pickle! They will be reading the currently banned books And Tango Makes Three & Not Quite Narwhal. This event is family friendly and for children of all ages to enjoy these wonderful queer stories while also raising money for the organizati...
The Try Guys Dress Like Keith • Closet Swap Challenge
Blue. Plaid. Squares… Who’s ready for another style swap?! This week we’re dressing like Keith! Who do you think will rock the Habersberger look the best?
60-Year-Olds Break A Skydiving World Record
We hope you're not afraid of heights! Today, Zach and Jonny take things to the sky as they join a group of 60-Year-Olds in an attempt to break a world record in skydiving.
The Try Guys Try Extreme Korean Skincare Products
Do we look beautimous now? We're trying a 14-step Korean Skincare routine! Which product would you want to try first?
The Try Guys Dress Like Zach • Closet Swap Challenge
Tell me that's not two Zach's in the thumb 🤔 Today we're all dressin just like Zach for the day! Who do you think will be able to pull off fashion his way?
Try Guys Transform Into Iconic Toys
We're transforming into the most iconic toys from our childhood aaand we've got BIG news for you! We made mini me's!
our next big try
Thanks for joining us at 2nd try for uncensored content, exclusive episodes, early access, and more from the try guys you love and our growing new cast!
Try Guys Test Popular TikTok Hacks
Can you hack it? Watch The Try Guys put the most popular life hacks from TikTok to the test! 🍎
The Try Guys EXTREME Tie-Dye Challenge
We have NEW merch! In honor of the Try-Dye line, we tried some EXTREME tie-dye.
Try Guys Mystery Dish Challenge • Cooking Telephone
Today we’re playing a special game of telephone… in the #TryKitchen! Which Try Guy will guess the Mystery Dish in our latest cooking challenge?
Try Guys Ultimate Indian Snack Taste Test
We tried some of the most popular and delicious Indian snacks that a fan sent to us! Which one would you like to try most?
Try Guys Try Colonics
The Try Guys are getting their booties cleaned out! Watch to see us learn exactly what colon hydrotherapy is and try it for the first time!
It's the craziest week of our lives: the book is released, rehearsals for our tour, book signings, 8 interviews in one day, cross country flights AND our live tour opens! WHAAAT.
Limited signed editions of The Hidden Power of Fucking Up will be on sale at Try Guys: Legends of the Internet live ...
Try Guys Train Guide Dogs For A Day (feat. Molly Burke)
Keith and Zach are spending the day with renowned YouTuber and blindness advocate Molly Burke, as she leads them through a day of working with seeing guide dogs - training, trusting, and of course, cuddling!