Try Guys Meet A Pet Psychic
The Archive
What do you think your pets are saying to you when you leave the house? Or when you come home? Or when they really want to go outside?! Today, Keith, Eugene, and Zach try to see if they can find out what their furry friends are really thinking.
Up Next in The Archive
Eugene Gets Surprised By A Zebra 🦓
Welcome to the cutest show on the internet! Eugene is sharing the most interesting facts about the most adorable animals on the plant! Today's episode features Zimba the Zebra! Let us know in the comments below what animals you want to see Eugene meet next!
Try Guys Go To Mermaid School
What creatures live deep within the ocean?! We don't know, but we do know that today Kwesi and Zach are trying to be mermaids by attending mermaid school!
Eugene Gets Surprised By An Owl 🦉
Welcome back to animal facts with Zoogene! Today we're introduced to our new feathered friend, Archie, the Eurasian eagle-owl!