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Watch this video and more on 2nd try

The Try Guys

Try Guys Try Sword Fighting


Up Next in Season 4

  • Guys Wear Makeup For A Week

    Zach, Jonny, and Jimmy are taking on the challenge of incorporating makeup into their daily routine for an entire week. Will this give them an appreciation for makeup? Will they learn how much effort goes into a makeup routine? Check out this video till the end and find out!

  • Try Guys Go To Mermaid School

    What creatures live deep within the ocean?! We don't know, but we do know that today Kwesi and Zach are trying to be mermaids by attending mermaid school!

  • Guys Wear Dresses For a Week

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wear dresses for an entire week? It may be common for some people, but for Jonny, Zach, and Jared it’s a whole new world!