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Gay People Get Their Dream Fashion Makeovers
The Archive
Our resident fashion icon, Eugene, meets with his fellow LGBTQ+ friends to chat about their fashion fears, and then helps give them the clothing makeover they never dreamed they could pull off!
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Keith Learns Trombone In 30 Days
Can Keith learn how to play the trombone in just 30 days? Watch to find out and let us know what other challenges you want to see us try in the comments below!
Try Guys Drunk Vegan Fast Food Taste ...
The Guys are trying fast food. VEGAN edition. Does intoxication make Vegan fast food taste better?
Can Keith Guess The Fried Chicken San...
Is Keith a fried chicken god? Is he the sommelier of fast food? Today, he takes on four 2nd Try staff members who try to stump him in his knowledge of fried chicken sandwiches.